The Best Preserved Of Ancient Roman Monuments Pantheon

One of the most well-preserved ancient roman monuments is the pantheon. It was constructed using materials that were more advanced than modern concrete. The only structure that survived the passage time, despite being over 100 years old and large, is the pantheon. It was initially built to worship all the gods. Later it was converted into a church. It is home to poets and kings of Italy.

The pantheon was the largest dome unsupported in the world. It also featured the most stunning archicital element, the oculus. This hole is the only source light and links the temple with the gods. The floors were slanted so that rain would not fall on the floor. The oculus did not have any other windows. Each of the 16 columns weighs 60 tons. The columns were sourced from an egypt Granite quarry and were float by barge along the Nile River. The largest roman amphitheater, the colosseum, is located in Rome. The colosseum was constructed in 10 years, by slaves of the jewish. The colosseum was constructed with travertine and limestone as well as concrete. It can seat approximately 50,000 people and has eight entrances. Over 500,000 people died along with over 1,000,000 animals. The “classic” villa was a variety of architectural styles. Many examples used atriums or peristyles, which are enclosed spaces that allow light and air to enter. Villa complexes were used as housing for rural farms by the wealthy Roman upper class. The three-part villa-complex consisted in three parts. The apartment where the owner lived with his family. This would be a similar home to wealthy people in the city. They would have painted walls.

The pars rustica was where the villa’s chefs and slaves lived. This was also used as a living area for farm animals. This room could be used for storage, hospital or prison purposes. The storage areas would be found in the villa fructuaria. These rooms would house the farm’s products, which were ready for transportation to the buyers. Here you would find oil, wine or grain storage. Another room in the villa could include an office or a temple of worship, multiple bedrooms, and a cooking area.


  • dariuschen

    Darius Chen is a 35-year-old blogger and teacher who specializes in educational topics. He has been blogging for over 10 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share with his readers. Darius is also an experienced teacher, and he enjoys helping others learn new things.