The Hellenistic Period And Art : A Historic Overview

Hellenistic Period

The Hellenistic era begins 323 BCE when Alexander the Great died, and ends 31 BC at the death Actino. Sculpture was the most important art form to change during this time. Artists started creating dramatic postures with more defined lines and contrasts. The artist was free to look at its subject from various angles.

It was interesting to see how each piece of sculpture had a different expression. You can see fear, pain, joy, and amusement.

During this period, the emphasis was on recreating heroic themes. However, it gradually began to move towards other expressions. Athena Battling Alkyoneos as well as Laocoon’s sons are the two most representative Hellenistic pieces. Both of these sculptures are a great example of how techniques can evoke realism in their expressions, movements and gestures.

The sculptors of the Eretia Philoxenos’ gigantomachy Frieze of Athena created a characteristic style that shows emotion in their characters. They also added perfect shadows and depth to the sculpture, adding drama. The sculpture, which is part of The Altar of Zeus monument in Pergamon depicts a battle between giants and the gods.

Athanadoros Hagesandros Polydoros from Rhodes created the work Laocoon with his Sons. This piece shows Laocoon, his sons and two serpents on an alter being sacrificed. He was Trojan Priest who warned Trojans to reject the Greek wood horse. He poked his spear through the side of a Trojan horse to determine if there was anything inside. Poseidon sent Athena two serpents immediately to kill Laocoon’s sons and prevent him from finding out that the Greeks were inside the horse.

His expression clearly represents pain and agony. This contrasts with beauty of the statue, which is prominent due to its position and the body of the main protagonist.

The similarities that can be seen on the sculptures depicting Athena Battling Alkyoneos or Lacoon are striking. We see similarity in their body movements, expressions, and shadows.


  • dariuschen

    Darius Chen is a 35-year-old blogger and teacher who specializes in educational topics. He has been blogging for over 10 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share with his readers. Darius is also an experienced teacher, and he enjoys helping others learn new things.